He aha rā a Māehe Manawa Ora? What is Movin'March?
Get an overview of all the Movin'March topics, see how resources link to achievement objectives and get started with an introductory lesson to set the scene in your classroom.
Akoranga takamua Before you begin
Get an overview of all the Movin'March topics and see how resources link to achievement objectives.
About this resourceIntroduce the concept of active travel (walking or wheeling) to your class and explore the benefits of active travel. Learning experiences include:
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See related Movin’March resources for the following topics:
Supporting resources and links
- Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki (new site): https://tamariki.gw.govt.nz/.open_in_newopen_in_new
- Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki classroom resource and guide available hereopen_in_new.
- Te Whare Tapa Whā: A holistic model of health from a Māori world view. It encompasses more than just physical health as the pinnacle to wellbeing. Based on a whare (house model) the taha (sides) of the whare (house) are; taha tinana (physical wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing), taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing) and taha whānau (family wellbeing). You can incorporate these into the Movin’March Learning Experiences. For information, go to Hauoraopen_in_newopen_in_new. This also shows the Fonofale model of wellbeing from a Pacific perspective.
- All Movin'March classroom resources: https://schooltravel.gw.govt.nz/resources-and-activities/classroom-ideas/open_in_newopen_in_new
- Active Travel Action resources: https://schooltravel.gw.govt.nz/resources-and-activities/classroom-ideas/active-travel-action/open_in_newopen_in_new
See how children who live in a remote fishing village in the Philippines travel to school.
Video has some subtitles (both over English and other languages) and titles without audio.
Sensitive content warning: It contains descriptions of poverty, injury and difficulty in getting to school. Some younger students may find this difficult to watch.
Note: all YouTube videos may play ads depending on your individual account settings. We've noted where a video is almost certain to display ads but this will depend on your account and search history.
Documentary trailer – see how children travel to school from Kenya to Morocco.
Note: this video has some subtitles over spoken dialogue (several languages spoken). It has titles without audio.
Sensitive content warning: Content includes children in difficulty, danger to children (from wild animals, riding horses without helmets and cars without seatbelts) and poverty.