
Māia Confidence

Mā raro, mā wīra rānei nā te mea he pai mō tōku toiora!
I walk or wheel because it builds confidence!

Lesson information

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
0-3, 4-6
45-60 minutes
Health and Physical Education
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About this resource

Look at how active travel (walking and wheeling) can build self-confidence and independence. Ākonga (students) reflect on what they know, want to know, and what they’ve learned around road safetyWatch scooter safety videos that entertain as well as educate.





(988 KB, Pdf)
Student worksheet

Learn the Kerb drill for crossing the road and the Crossing song.

Make a KWL Chart about Road Safety – using the Māia (Confidence) worksheet.

(303 KB, Pdf)



Supporting resources and links

Tuakana–Teina (Year 5-8): Here is an opportunity to include senior students. Ask for their help to practice the kerb drill outside in the playground. Older responsible students can hold hands with younger ones. They can role-model or teach younger ones how to do the kerb drill.

Talk about how to cross the road safely, by showing the class the kerb drill.

Te Tukanga Taparori whakawhiti ara

  1. Kia kotahi tāwhai whakamuri  mai i te tapa rori.
  2. Titiro, whakarongo hoki mō ngā waka e ahu mai ana i ngā taha katoa.
  3. Mēnā he waka e haere mai ana, tāria kia pahure, kātahi ka titiro, ka whakarongo anō.
  4. Mēnā kāore he waka e haere mai ana, kia tere te hīkoi hei whiti i te huarahi.
  5. I a koe e whakawhiti ana, titiro, whakarongo hoki mō ngā waka, ahakoa.

The kerb drill for crossing the road

  1. STOP – one step back from the kerb.
  2. LOOK and LISTEN – for traffic coming from all directions.
  3. WAIT – if there is traffic coming and then look again.
  4. If there is no traffic coming:
  5. WALK – quickly, straight across the road.
  6. While crossing, LOOK and LISTEN for traffic, wherever it may 
    come from.
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English playlist (4 videos):

Te Reo Māori playlist:

Te Reo Māori playlist (4 videos)

Te aha e whai ake nei? Up next


Toiora Wellbeing

Mā raro, mā wīra rānei nā te mea he pai mō tōku toiora!
I walk or wheel because it’s great for my wellbeing!

Curriculum level: Level 1, Level 2 + 2 more

Year level: 0-3, 4-6 + 1 more

Class time: 15-25 minutes

Learning area: Health and Physical Education