Hononga Links
Hononga ki ētehi pae tukutuku, ki ētehi rōpū anō
Links to other websites and groups
Note: this page is under construction.
Like the whītau (flax fibres) that make up a kete (basket), many people contribute to our mahi (work). Below are some of the wonderful groups who provide useful resources or are connected to our Kura Kete.
Greater Wellington programmes
- Enviroschools
- Movin'March
- Active Travel Action
- Pedal Ready and Scooter Ready
- Mountains to Sea
- Predator Free Wellington
- Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki
- Greater Wellington — Climate changeopen_in_new
- Greater Wellington — Pest managementopen_in_new
- Greater Wellington — Educationopen_in_new
Recommended websites
- NZAEE | Resources, Providers, Events & More | Homeopen_in_new
- House of Science
- Hutt Science
- Waka Kotahi NZTA Education Portal
- Pedal Ready adult cycle skills
- Tracksafe
- Ministry of Education school traffic management
- Ministry of Education bus and other travel information
- Police road safety
- Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD)
- Road Safety Education's RYDA program
- Ride Forever's Scooter Survival course