Whakapā Atu Contact Us
Get in touch
Kura Kete team
Here's the "who's who" of our busy Travel Choice team.
Kirsty Barr - Project lead Kura Kete and Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki
Melody Holmes - Education resource consultant
Sadie Coe - Content and web support, Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki
Maddy McVie - Movin'March lead and comms support
Email: schooltravel@gw.govt.nz
Greater Wellington Regional Council
100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Pedal Ready and Scooter Ready team
Website: www.pedalready.org.nzopen_in_new
Email for general enquiries: info@pedalready.org.nz
Bookings enquiries, contact:
Rhonda Gardner and Tessa Coppard,
Local Councils
For a full list of School Travel Coordinators and Road Safety Advisors across the region, visit our School Travel pageopen_in_new.